
From the Cellar: Pack 7

Original price was: €32,90.Current price is: €13,16.

SKU: a13141 Category: Tag:



The seventh scenario pack produced by Le Franc Tireur.The ten scenarios included are:- The Road to Juniville-French vs. German.La Neuville, France 10 June 1940- Getting your bell rung- British vs. German. Sanfatucchio Italy, 21 June 1944- Clearing the LZ-American vs. German. Grosbeak Heights, Nijmegen Holland.18 September 1944- A misstep in Lorraine-American vs. German Near Vaudrecourt, France. 20 September 1944- Green berets-British vs. German. Flushing Walcheren Island, Holland,1 November 1944- Dover bunker-British vs German.Flushing Walcheren Island, Holland,2 November 1944- Inter-allied attack- British vs German.Domburg, Walcheren Island, Holland 3 November 1944- Bloodier than D-Day- Allies vs German. Vrouwenpolder, Walcheren Island, Holland 7 November 1944- Niederburg Farmhouse- American vs German. Near Bettendorf, Luxembourg 18 December 1944- Landstorm over Arnhem-British vs German.Near Arnhem Holland.14 April 1945All are ETO actions. Scenario length estimates range from 1 hour 45mins to 5 hours.

Additional information

Mechanics: Hex-and-Counter
Categories: Expansion for base-game War War
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