
Das Chamäleon: Bloß nicht auffallen

Original price was: €28,99.Current price is: €11,60.

SKU: 4018928551357 Category: Tag:


Card sleeves in this game 18 cards of 70.0mm width and 120.0mm of height edizioni: 100 Bustine Standard Large Size (70 x 120 mm) (UPL-7100S) edizioni”> 1x (100 Pcs)
Sapphire: 100 Bustine Protettive (70 x 120 mm) (Pink)
Red Glove”> 1x (100 Pcs)
Sleeve Kings Wotr-Tarot Card Sleeves (70x120mm) -110 Pack 60 Microns
Sleeve Kings”> 1x (110 Pcs) edizioni: 75 Bustine Superior Large Size (70 x 120 mm) (UPL-PINK) edizioni”> 1x (75 Pcs)
Honu Moana: 50 Bustine Premium Large Size (70 x 120 mm) (HMN-7100P)
Honu Moana”> 1x (50 Pcs)
Honu Moana: 75 Bustine Superior Large Size (70 x 120 mm) (HMN-PINK)
Honu Moana”> 1x (75 Pcs)
Honu Moana: 100 Bustine Standard Large Size (70 x 120 mm) (HMN-7100S)
Honu Moana”> 1x (100 Pcs) 40 cards of 100.0mm width and 150.0mm of height There are no available sleeves matching this card size Description

A bluffing deduction game for everyone.Each round involves two missions, depending on whether you’re the Chameleon or not.Mission 1: You are the Chameleon. No one knows your identity except you. Your mission is the blend in, not get caught and to work out the Secret Word.Mission 2: You are not the Chameleon. Try to work out who the Chameleon is without giving away the Secret Word.At the beginning of the round each player receives a card that tells them if they are the Chameleon or hunting the Chameleon. Two dice are rolled and this gives everyone (except the Chameleon) the coordinates to a specific word on a Topic Card – this is the Secret Word for the round. Each Topic Card features 16 related words (e.g. countries, books, food, etc.)Each player must now say a word relating to the Secret Word. The Chameleon can only make an educated guess based on the 16 words in front of them.

Additional information

Mechanics: Voting
Categories: Bluffing Card Games Deduction Humor Party Game
Alternative names: Cameleonul Das Chamäleon Das Chamäleon: Bloß nicht auffallen Kaméleon Le Caméléon The Chameleon Заяц 카멜레온
BARCODE: 4018928551357
This was seen 1958 times


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