Borodino was fought between the Army of ImperialRussia and Napoléon’s Grand Armée on September 7, 1812. The battle endedwith a French victory, but strategic defeat. Losses were terrible onboth sides, but the Russians could replace theirs. One week after thebattle Napoléon occupied an undefended Moscow, hoping to impose a peace,but after four weeks was forced to retreat home with calamitousresults.
The historical battle involved wave after wave offrontal attacks by both sides, focusing on the Russian redoubts.However, the wargame shows all the options available to Napoléon andKutuzov, including some not attempted historically. The French playerhas several possible lines of attack and the Russian player must try toanticipate and counter them all. The tactical interaction of Napoléonicinfantry, cavalry and artillery is also emphasized, including cavalrycharges and squares. This makes for exciting and tense gaming.
Movementand combat are resolved within areas. The game plays using thefast-paced Move-Move-Battle sequence seen in Shiloh. Players activateleaders to command divisions of the same corps. Game time is 3-4 hours.
La Moskowa by Mark Churms
The scene depicts the French 1st Carabiniers charging at Borodino.
103 wooden blocks
Orders of Battle
4 Dice
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