This magazine is a series of articles by respected hobbyists on how to play and enjoy the ASL Historical module Blood Reef: Tarawa (BRT).It pulls together the esoteric bits and pieces of Chapters E, F, and Gthat are needed, shows how they interact with the BRT-specific rules ofChapter T, and provides a programmed instruction approach for players tolearn the necessary rules by playing individual BRT scenarios in aspecified order with only part of the rules required in each case. Otherpieces explain the nuances of particularly complex rules (such asBreaching Seawalls and Bombardments) and provide several illustratedexamples of play. Individual strategy sections are provided for theJapanese and Marines, to understand the specific challenges for eachside and the options for dealing with them. There is a playing of CG IIIfrom the Marine playerís point of view, and a brief summary andchronology of the historical battle.
Printed on glossy stock; 68 pages.
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