Unconditional Surrender! Western Campaigns (USWC) is an strategic-level game covering World War 2 campaigns fought between the Axis and Western Allied factions in Western Europe. With its emphasis on force projection, players focus on the big picture of managing their military forces. Using simple mechanics and low on-map counter density, players easily handle the action without complicated subsystems or tall stacks of counters.Plucked from the game Unconditional Surrender! WW2 in Europe (USE), USWC provides shorter, smaller footprint scenarios for those wanting to play the Unconditional Surrender! design but lacking the space and time needed for the much larger USE. USWC also serves as an alternative way to teach it to other players. Owners of USE that have the space and time for it, do not have to buy this game. However, it may be worth it, if you are looking for something much more portable to bring somewhere else to play or for an inexpensive gift for a wargaming friend.DESIGN HIGHLIGHTS:Low On-Map Counter Density: The number of counters on the map is incredibly low.Simple Stacking: No more than one of the same type of unit per hex.No Factors on Counters: No combat or movement factors on counters.Single Combat System: One combat resolution sequence and Combat Results Table covers all types of combat, yet the results differ for air or ground combat.Integrated Movement & Combat System: Units move and fight in a combined activation.Ergonomically Friendly: Easily fits in extremely limited gaming space.”Use it or lose it.” Economic System: Simple math with minimal record keeping.Easy to Modify: The relatively simple mechanics make it easy to modify the game.Unconditional Surrender! World War 2 in Europe Compatibility: The ground and air units, event markers, and combat system are the same in both games. The scenarios are similar except for the elements that were abstracted. If you later decide to play USE, you will have additional rules to learn but little to unlearn.TIME SCALE: Monthly TurnsMAP SCALE: 30 to 40 miles per hexUNIT SCALE: Army, Fleet, or WingNUMBER OF PLAYERS: 2COMPONENT LIST 6 8.5″x11″ maps1 Countersheet1 Rules Booklet1 Play Book2 11″x17″ Player Aid cards1 Faction Card2 6-sided diceGame Box-description from designer
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Mechanics: | Dice Rolling Simulation |
Categories: | War |
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