
You Gotta Be Kitten Me! Deluxe Edition

Original price was: €20,90.Current price is: €8,36.

SKU: a13970 Category: Tag:



You Gotta Be Kitten Me! is a Liar’s Dice-style bluffing game in which players each hold cards that feature animals with some kind of accessory, such as hats, glasses and bow ties. Each turn, you try to guess — or at least claim — how many cards are in play with a certain color or accessory, either by raising the current bid or challenging another player. Whoever’s wrong loses a card, then you start a new round of play. The last player with cards remaining wins!You Gotta Be Kitten Me! Deluxe Edition contains the 55 cards of the original game as well as a new 55-card bonus deck with new cards and new animals. The game also includes ten colored meeples and score trackers.

Additional information

Categories: Bluffing
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