
BAM!: Ultra schmutzig!

Original price was: €34,99.Current price is: €14,00.

SKU: 4250231718441 Category: Tag:



The party game BAM! challenges players to fill in the blank on a card text in order to impress the “BAM!-Master” as well as the other players. If, for example, the question is “Germany is looking for BAM!?”, you try to find an answer card in your hand that fits the situation best – or worst, as the case may be…BAM!: Ultra schmutzig! contains the best elements of the original BAM! as well as the standalone sequels BAM!: Extrahart and BAM! Ihr habt es so gewollt! with more than seven hundred cards that will allow players to fill those BAM!s in all kinds of ways

Additional information

Mechanics: Voting
Categories: Card Games Party Game
Alternative names:
BARCODE: 4250231718441
This was seen 1438 times


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